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Breast Augmentation Massage Training

Course Notes: 

What is it...
1. Breast lift
2. Breast reduction
3. Breast implant
4. Breast reconstruction
B. Price range: $3k-$12k (based on national average)
C. How surgeons do it: techniques...
The four techniques
The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery lists these four primary breast augmentation techniques:
INFRAMMATORY: In this procedure, a small incision is made in the fold underneath the breast (called the inframammary fold). The advantages of this technique is that the incision allows the surgeon to have a wider access point to insert the implant with greater precision. In addition, the remaining scar (generally about 1 to 2 inches long) can be concealed under the crease.
PERI-AREOLAR: This procedure requires an incision to be made near the outer edge of the areola. In this manner, the scar is somewhat hidden by the natural pigmentation progression of the areola and the rest of the breast. This is the preferred technique for cosmetic surgeons to use if they are also performing a small to moderate breast lift during the same procedure.
TRANSAXILLARY: A small incision is made under the armpit. The breast implant will be inserted in this opening by the surgeon using special surgical instruments and a camera to ensure proper placement. The procedure does leave a small scar at the point of incision but the breast itself remains scar-free.
TRANSUMBILICAL: An incision is made above the navel and the implants are inserted through this incision and then moved up to the breast. The transumbilical technique leaves a single small scar and no scars on the breasts themselves.
Currently there is no standard breast augmentation technique, despite a call by some surgeons to standardize the procedure by using best practices. In a study published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, the authors released the results of their survey that found techniques and post-surgery treatments vary around the world.
D. Possible contraindications
- necrosis
- Fibrosis
- Rejection of nipple
- Hematoma or incessant bleeding
- Infection
- Edema
- changes in sensation
- blood clots
- Seroma
- scarring or capsular contracture
- implant leakage or rupture
- wrinkling of skin over implant
E. Your role as an MT
- Pain levels and “down” time
- Client body positions: sit or stand
- help to minimize swelling in massage out small lumps around axillary
- provide self massage techniques that client can duplicate at home
- show/demonstrate dry brushing techniques
F. Strokes, tips, & techniques for treating clients
- Stimulate & clear lymph nodes
- Machines and tools
* dry brush
* Infrared
* Ultrasound (on back only)
- use oil, not arnica or lotion
- Break up knots then move tissue
- Light is right (pressure)
- protocol: (have client sit or stand) back, arms; (lay client face up) dry brush stomach, work on décolleté, chin & neck (clear out notes then end session)
G. Suggested massage schedules:
- 2 massages the first week
- 1 massage a week for the next two weeks
- skip a week (unless client had lipo or they are experiencing a heightened amount of edema then don’t skip a week)
- 1 Massage the following week
H. Ween off massages
I. Products & supplements to help
- Vitamin a and C
- Zinc
- Bromelain
- probiotics
- selenium
- vitamin E, aspirin, and ibuprofen for the first 48 hours after a breast augmentation
Additional instructions for clients to follow:
- no smoking
- minimal sodium
- don’t raise arms above their head
- no rough sex
- wear SPF
- wear compression garment/bra for 6 to 8 weeks
J. Use the PHASES in this group
EXERCISE: (free marketing strategy) start answering questions and interacting with people in the groups. At the end of each of your response put your company info ie:
FB: Taime Out PostOp Corner
IG: @taimeoutmassage
Use your newfound boobie knowledge, hop into some FB boobie groups, and get you some new clients!
Book of the week:
“You are complete guide to breast augmentation and body contouring” by J Zeitels, M.D. + others