
Look at you deep diving into loaded questions! Did you even know how complex of a query this is? So much so, people have gotten locked up over it within the last few years. But for us to get to “PostOp-Indur” we gotta back up and define and expand a few other things first.

Key Points of this article:

  • Differences in the usage of terms
  • How we define postOp
  • Defining “induration”
  • Taking a positive look at vanity

The conversation around Post Operative terms

PostOp became a vague term in healthcare over the last 10 years due to cognitive dissonance. Healthcare professionals who have an understanding— their understanding and selected definition of the term, were having some deep thought provoking conversations riddled with cognitive dissonance in regards to the term:


Cognitive dissonance in this sense has thee medical and healthcare field using the same words, in the same context, in the same conversation but based on our experiences and exposures to this topic— there’s a finite broad differential of understandings around the same concept.

Have we ever explored our finite differences and similarities around the word “PostOp”? Or just moved around them like a pink elephant? How many pink elephants do we invite into the room before we start discussing them? Maybe this can be the start.

Here’s OUR pink postOp elephant.

Addressing the ego in this conversation, we extract and acknowledge OUR definition of postOp– not to assert that it’s the absolute of PostOp definitions within a healthcare conversation; its the definition we selected, embrace, and chose to build our educational foundations upon. If postOp were a spectrum, THIS is where we stopped and set up shop. 

TOSI & CSL Therapy

Taime Out Sculpting Institute follows the theories and concepts of CSL Therapy Organization— a collection of values + principles + ordinances that define the bodywork modalities for post-operative elective surgical procedures and Body Altering Aesthetic treatments. PostOp is “manual palpating physical care programs for clients after an elective procedure”. 

That sentence has multiple legs that sum up larger conversations into one. “Manual palpating” asserts the bodywork, application of moving external forces across the skin.

“Physical care” asserts the manual work is apart of an intentional treatment system.

“Programs” asserts this treatment is an ongoing integral part of an equation. Programs have cognitive steps, order, direction. 

“For clients” asserts there is a respective relationship hierarchy to be acknowledged even if simply in an understood manner.

“After” asserts the timeframe of events.

“An elective procedure”— this is where the magic lies. “Elective” asserts this was a choice. Someone made a choice to do this to their body. Let’s expand this part of our definition of PostOp and ask “Why would someone sign up for a non medically necessary procedure?”

Vanity is the universal answer. This could be vanity due to low or high self esteem, but vanity nonetheless. A person wouldn’t opt for a non-life threatening procedure if they didn’t embody an altered [improved] aesthetic outcome. 

Vanity has a place in medicine

This isn’t for health, but for looks. Through this expanded verbiage dissection. OUR definition of “postOp” has a heightened focus to design and provide resources, protocols, and treatments that align with client aesthetic goals— this asserted breakdown doesn’t exist within medically necessary life saving measures in the same capacity. In medicine, the goal is: “SAVE THEIR LIFE”… 

it isn’t “save their life AND make sure they’re cute… with great skin integrity, a smaller waist, chiseled defined features, maximally optimized retracted skin, neutralized mental health, better lifestyle choices to learn how to maintain results, and ensure symmetry.” Every “PostOp variation” and descriptor when speaking with other healthcare providers falls short right before the vanity and aesthetic expectations discernment. It’s like looking at the same scripture as others, but getting a different interpretation of the script. General terms of PostOp are robust in science but lack essence.

The engagement becomes contrite and basic in what the body has the ability to do during a short window frame of bioengineering possibilities. But it doesn’t in OUR definition of PostOp. PostOp-Indur focuses on the full possibilities set in motion by the client’s declared desired body goals. Deeper conversations are now able to be had with the client of their expectations versus reality; engaging them on their treatment; adjusting self talk and lifestyle choices along the way. All because of the full conversations around PostOp, even the silent ones.

Within the silent conversations that were had, aspects asserted, accepted, and understood, even further clarifications in our definition of postOp can be made, expanding the meaning of “skin integrity”. What does it mean to have good skin integrity? What does optimized skin retraction mean? And chasing symmetry— that’s a focus? In postOp— the way we define it? Yes!

Provider defined nomenclature into protocols and practices

PostOp after plastic surgery is a medical art that see’s client canvases with a skillful eye rooted in research, compassion, essence, and science. But to alleviate some of the confusion, we added “Indur” to our usage of PostOp. Indur is short for induration. Induration is defined as the thickening and hardening of soft tissues of the body, specifically the skin, and is the result of an inflammatory process caused by various triggering factors. How fitting is that? Because it sounds justttttttt like client’s dermal trauma presentations after plastic surgery!

Our approach isn’t an end all, be all, catch all. This is just the educational nomenclature that has helped us organize, educate, and navigate through the confusion in the emerging Body Altering Aesthetics industry. When others use “PostOp” they could be referring to recovery care, PT rehabilitation, or a follow up appointment with surgical staff. But if you were to ask a CSL Therapy provider what is PostOp? Our definition presents layered conversations asserting bodywork application of moving external forces across the skin in an ongoing intentional treatment system with cognitive steps, orders, and directions within the respective client-practitioner hierarchy relationship in timeframes succeeding chosen acts of trauma riddled vanity meeting specific body goals set by the client. 

But instead, we just say “PostOp-Indur”.

Instagram: @thetosimethod

For quality Postop-indur courses that teach the comprehensive details of what’s going on with your clients during each stage of their postoperative journey past standard Advanced MLD courses, The TOSI Method is the solution you’ve been searching for. Check out our FAQ section, visit our “How To Get Started Map“, and sign up for a FREE Blueprint Call to discover the 3 TOSI Phases + enhance your Cosmetic Self Love educational journey.